The common programme of the Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University (IHACU) and the Institute for the History of Medicine and Foreign Languages of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University (IHMFL) PROGRES Q-23 "History of the University Science and Scholarship" follows on from cooperation and similar specialized profile of both institutes, namely on the previous common programme PRVOUK P 21. Its aim is the research in the field of the history of Prague university and other universities in the wide chronological range and Central-European context. A history of universities is dealt not as an isolated branch of historical research, but with its links to the social and cultural European history and in comparison with other Central-European universities, regarding especially their role in the national, ideological and political conflicts of the 19th and 20th centuries.

In the frames of the PROGRES programme the employees of the IHACU will complete A Brief History of Charles University, they will continue the previous research and open several new, so far not very frequented topics (prosopography of the students, history of the faculty of law in early modern times etc.). The digitization of archival material will continue, as well as the research in the field of long-term preservation of digital documents. Some of the most important medieval and early modern sources will be published in the form of critical editions. The IHMFL will focus on the completion of the biographical dictionaries of the faculties of medicine and (apart from the previous topics) on paleopathology, medical Latin and history of nutrition. For the second half of the duration of the programme another common project of both institutions is planned: a synthetic work on the history of medicine in the Czech lands (in the form of a monograph in the Paseka publishing house).

The IHACU together with the Masaryk Institute – Archive of the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic is solving the grant project GA ČR 18-20451S "Jaroslav Bidlo and Milada Paulová: The Founding Figures of Slavonic History Studies in the Context of the Evolution of Czech Scholarship" (duration 2018-2020). The IHACU is also taking part in the project GA ČR 16-03442S "The Faculty of Natural Sciences of the German University in Prague 1920-1939" (duration 2016-2018).

Last change: April 15, 2018 14:24 
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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University

Univerzita Karlova v Praze

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