• Library
  • Library Operating Regulations

Library Operating Regulations

Operating Regulations of the Library of the Institute of History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University

  1. Library of the Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University (hereinafter ‘library’) gathers scientific literature and other sources of information pertaining to the history of schools and education with special focus on the history of Charles University.

  2. Information about the library collection is accessible in the library’s online catalogue. A requested item may be temporarily unavailable. In such case, librarians can be contacted by email or by phone at (+420) 224 491 461–2.

  3. Lists of new acquisitions can be found at library website.

  4. With the exception of employees of the Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University, books and journals can be borrowed only for the study in the archive research room (opening times Mon-Fri 8.30-12.30). Study in the archive research room is regulated by the research room regulations.

  5. To access the research room, visitors must fill in a research sheet and present an identification card (foreign visitors their passports). Research sheet is always filled in for a given calendar year. Registration is free of charge.

  6. Research room provides reprographic services. Visitors are not allowed to make copies themselves.

  7. Prior to entering the research room, visitors leave their coats, jackets, and handbags or bags in lockers. They notify the research room supervisor of all materials they are bringing into the research room.

  8. Research room visitors should do their best to respect the quiet atmosphere of the research room and follow instructions of the research room supervisor. It is forbidden to use mobile phones and to bring and consume food or drink. If requested, visitors leaving the research room show the research room supervisor all materials they are taking out.

  9. Visitors must treat all books and other materials with all possible care so as to prevent their damage. Visitors who note pre-existing damage on books or other materials are requested to notify the research room supervisor without delay.

Last change: December 4, 2019 15:57 
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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University

Univerzita Karlova v Praze

Ovocný trh 5

Prague 1, 116 36

Czech Republic

Phone: +420 224 491 463


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