Digitised Collections

As yet, the Archive of Charles University had digitised archival materials from the following collections:

  • Acts, Deeds, Letters, and Charters I (inventory nos. 3–105)

  • Acts, Deeds, Letters, and Charters II (inventory no. 1–119)

  • Registries (inventory nos. M4, M6–M9, M12, M15, M19, M22, M34, M39, M57, M63, M64)

  • Manuscripts A (inventory nos. A13b, A14a, A14b, A23, A31-I., A31-II., A31-III., A31-IV., A32-I., A32-II., A32-III., A32-IV., A58-I., A58-II., A58-III., A152)

  • Registries of the Charles University, 1882–2013 (inventory nos. 1–10 and 17, registries of doctors)

  • Registries of the German University in Prague, 1882–1945 (inventory nos. 1–7, registries of doctors)

  • Faculty of Law of the German University in Prague – Books of examination protocols of state examination commissions at the Faculty of Law of the German University in Prague

All digital copies are available to researchers at a computer in the reading room of the Archive of Charles University. All acts, deeds, letters, and charters are also accessible online at webpages of the Monasterium project as well as in the Digital Repository of Charles University.

The Archive of Charles University in collaboration with the Computer Science Centre of Charles University is currently implementing digitisation project Students of Prague Universities, 1882–1945. Its aim is to make digitally accessible materials related to students of Prague universities in 1882–1945. This is the part of collections of the Archive of Charles University that is most popular with researchers. It contains information about app. 150,000 students, including many important personalities, who had studied at the Prague universities. At the moment, following collections are digitally accessible:

All records permit search by names and other data.

Last change: February 26, 2020 14:15 
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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University

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