List of Services and Service Fees

The list below is based on Bursar’s Provisions 8/2020 – List of service fees and services provided by the Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University in Prague (in Czech)

I. Services listed in appendix No. 4 to Regulation No. 645/2004 Coll.

A. An excerpt from or transcript of archival materials including notification of a negative finding and verification of copies made by public archives

1.Excerpt from or transcript of archival materials:

50,- CZK for each even partial page of excerpt or transcript made by the archive.

2. Verification of a match between a copy of archival material and its original kept in the archive in case the copy is made by the archive according to Letter B Article 1.:

30,- CZK for each even partinal page.

B. Reproduction of archival materials

1. Electrographic copying (CZK per 1 page of reproduction)

Electrographic copying (CZK per 1 page of reproduction):


A3 from lose sheets

5,- CZK

8,- CZK from bound pages

7,- CZK

12,- CZK

black and white double sided:


A3 from lose sheets

8,- CZK

12,- CZK from bound pages

17,- CZK

22,- CZK

full colour single sided:


A3 from lose sheets

25,- CZK

38,- CZK from bound pages

33,- CZK

46,- CZK

full colour double sided:


A3 from lose sheets

40,- CZK

60,- CZK from bound pages

53,- CZK

80,- CZK

2. Micrographic work

Micrographic recording

1 frame 35mm of microfilm 45x35mm

32,- CZK

1 frame 35mm of microfilm 24x35mm

20,- CZK

Copying of micrographic records

1 frame regardless of size

15,- CZK

Enlargement from 35mm micrographic recording to regular office paper

format A4 and A3

20,- CZK

3. Digital reproduction

Digital reproduction of two-dimensional originals

3.1.1. scanning originals up to and including format A4

25,- CZK

3.1.2. scanning originals up to and including format A3

60,- CZK

3.1.3. scanning of large formats up to and including format

300,- CZK

3.1.4. digital photography of originals up to and including format A3

200,- K

3.1.5. digital photography of originals larger than format

300,- K

3.1.6. scanning of archival materials on a transparent sheet

- scanning from a film reelu

20,- CZK

- scanning of a physically separate film frame

50,- CZK

3.1.7. merging several separately made digital photographs from a large original into 1 picture

500,- CZK/1 hour of work

Increase of resolution by each 100dpi over 300 dpi

20,- CZK

Digital reproduction of three-dimensional originals

3.2.1. 1 documentation (preview) picture, small or medium-sized, made by a digital camera

350,- CZK

3.2.2. 1 studio picture (for print), small or medium-sized, made by a digital camera

1 500,- CZK

3.3. digital reproduction of a previously digitalised original (1 image)

25,- CZK

3.4. Access to digital reproductions of archival materials in an analogue form, archival materials in a digital form, and replicas of archival materials in a manner which enables remote access is free of charge.

3.5. Data recording

3.5.1. CD including the recording of data

40,- CZK

3.5.2. DVD including the recording of data

60,- CZK

Maximum fees for newly made digital reproductions or replicas of archival materials in a digital form apply in cases where such reproductions or copies are in full colour with colour depth of 24 bits or more, in basic resolution of 300dpi, in format jpg, pdf/a, tiff, png, or raw, without further graphic treatment.

C. Verification of copies of archival materials

1. Verification of a match between copies of archival materials in analogue form or their digital replicas and archival materials in their analogue form kept in the archive

1.1 fee for preparing a certificate of verification

50,- CZK

1.2 fee for finding the archival material and making a copy of the archival material in its analogue form or its digital replica

100,- CZK/hod.

2. Verification of a match between a digital replica and archival material in a digital form or a replica of archival material in a digital form kept in the archive

1.1 zfee for preparing a certificate of verification

50,- CZK

1.2 fee for finding the archival material and making its digital copy

100,- CZK/hod.

3. Verification of match a) between a copy of archival material in an analogue form or its digital replica and archival material in an analogue form kept in the archive or b) between a replica of archival material in a digital form with archival material in a digital form or a replica of archival material in a digital form kept in the archive is issued for copies and replicas of archival material made by the archive.

If genuineness of copies is verified against copies of archival materials in their analogue form, digital reproductions of archival materials in a digital form or replicas of archival materials presented by the applicant, the archive fee for ascertaining a match between the two items and issuing a certificate to that effect is 1.000,- CZK.

II. Other services

A. Consent with one-time use of reproduction of archival material

1.1. the use of reproduction of archival materials for scientific purposes (academic and scientific journals, anthologies, separate studies, monographs, editions, exhibition catalogues) and education (teaching materials) is free of charge

(note: in scientific or academic use of reproductions, reference must always be attached which includes at least the name of the archive where the archival material is kept and the archival collection containing the material; without such reference, the use of reproduction is viewed as use for commercial purposes)

1.2. the use of reproductions of archival material for cultural education, popularisation, and non-commercial purposes (popular science, cultural publications, digital presentations, exhibitions, and the like) carries a fee of 150,- CZK /1piece

1.3. for the use of reproductions of archival materials for commercial purposes (pictorial publications, postcards, calendars, promotion materials, videos, advertisements, and the like) fees are charged as follows:

1pc of full colour or black and white digital reproduction:

in an edition of up to 600 copies

1 500,- CZK

in an edition including and over 601 copies

3 000,- CZK

These fees are charged even for reproductions of archival materials made by the applicants’ own reproduction equipment.

B. The filming of archival materials (with the exception of educational or cultural broadcasting)

Basic fee 1000,- CZK / each even partial hour.

C. Research, office work, manipulation fees

1.1. Research (gathering of required information and preparation of a comprehensive report based on finding and excerpting relevant archive materials, archival research aids and tools, and other specialised sources)

1.1.1. simple research based on excerpting 1–2 archival sources / 1 hour of work

500,- CZK

1.1.2. demanding research based on excerpting 3–5 archival sources / 1 hour of work

700,- CZK

1.1.3. demanding and comprehensive research based on excerpting 6 or more sources from and outside archive collections / 1 hour of work

900,- CZK

1.2. Office work

1.2.1. 1 hour of work

200,- CZK

1.3. Manipulation fees

1.3.1. packaging fee – mail in packages

50,- CZK

1.3.2. packaging fee – mail in envelopes up to 1kg

20,- CZK

1.4. Research based on electronic database

250,- CZK

D. Make a copy of confirmation of study/certificate of enrollment

1.1. Make a transcript of diploma, certificat of final state exams, list of examinations and credits, confirmation of the length of study/employment (except for the purpose of retirement proceedings).

1.1.1 First page of the document

500,- CZK

1.1.2. Second and every other page of the document

250,- Kč

1.2. confirmation of the length of study/employment for the purpose of retirement proceedings

free of charge

Last change: July 15, 2020 09:20 
Contact Us

Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University

Univerzita Karlova v Praze

Ovocný trh 5

Prague 1, 116 36

Czech Republic

Phone: +420 224 491 463


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